Super Succulents


We are driven by passion to provide fresh and healthy plants for your space

Our Story

And we still need to learn so much but, you should definitely let us assist as we love what we do and we put 110 percent of our effort to look after our plants and using only the best.

The succulents make beautiful thank you gifts for any occasion and bring colors to any dull place.

Give us a try

Our passion started this year, 2022, when we entered a nursery where we saw al these beautiful plants. We knew nothing of succulents but their beauty captivated us and we were hooked.

I then bought 2 for myself and 2 for my mother-in-law. We left them to grow and change colour. We told our children that if they want to make extra money they should go out and sell some succulents. They bought ours and had a lot of succulents.

We fell in love with them and how they matured, changed colour and grows into adult plants. It quickly changed into a passion and now it is this passion that drives us to provide this service to others who love succulents.


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