Super Succulents

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a herb with succulent leaves that are arranged in a rosette. The leaves are grey to green and sometimes have white spots on their surfaces. They have sharp, pinkish spines along their edges and are the source of the colourless gel found in many commercial and medicinal products


Caring For Aloe Vera

1) Light: Aloe Vera needs bright, natural light in order to thrive. Outdoors, aim for up to six hours of full sun, with a small shade reprieve in the afternoon. When grown inside, aloe should be placed in a window with bright, indirect sunlight. Direct sun can burn its tender skin, yet lack of light will cause the plant to grow leggy and weaken its leaves, causing them to crease.

2) Water: Aloe prefers to be watered regularly, as long as the soil dries out completely in between waterings. If the soil remains dry for long periods of time, the leaves will shrivel and pucker slightly. The plant will recover when watered, however, extended periods of stress—either prolonged drought or too much water—will make the leaves turn yellow and die. Do not water outdoor plants during periods of rain

3) Soil: In its natural habitat, aloe vera commonly grows in nutrient-poor soil conditions, on sandy slopes with guaranteed drainage. Ensure proper drainage in a pot by using a cactus potting medium or traditional potting soil mixed with perlite and coarse sand. Aloe prefers its soil slightly acidic, hovering around 6.0, but it is highly adaptable and can also grow in neutral or alkaline soils, as well

4)  Temperature: Aloe grows naturally in arid, tropical, and semi-tropical environments, so mimicking these conditions will allow it to thrive. Aim for a temperature between 55 and 85 F (most indoor environments can achieve this) and don’t leave your container plant outdoors if nights are forecasted to dip below 40 F. Aloe cannot tolerate frost, but a few alpine varieties can withstand occasional temperatures near freezing. Aloe can handle dry air just fine and does not require extra humidity. Forty percent relative humidity is perfect

5) Fertilizer: Aloe vera grows best in poor soil conditions (this plant has adapted to nutritionally poor desert soil) and does not require any fertilization at all. That said, feeding potted aloe once a year each spring may help maintain vibrant growth. A liquid 10-40-10 houseplant fertilizer, diluted to half strength, works best for an annual feeding. Outdoors, aloe usually thrives without any fertilization



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